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更新時間:2020-02-06 14:06
施政計畫及工作計畫評核 administrative and work plan assessment
美洲核能協會 American Nuclear Society, ANS
台美核能和平利用合作協定 TECRO-AIT Agreement for Cooperation Concerning Peaceful Use of Nuclear Energy
申請審核 application and reviewmeasures
原子能法 Atomic Energy Act
低放射性廢棄物最終處置設施場址設置條例 Act on Sites for Establishment of Low Level Radioactive Waste Final Disposal Facility
補充議定書 Additional Protocol
預先通知 Advance Notice
核能管路完整性計畫 Battelle Integrity of Nuclear Piping (BINP) Program
民用核能合作 civil nuclear cooperation
民生應用 civilian application
補足性進入 Complementary Access
亞太安全合作理事會 Council for Security Cooperation in the Asia Pacific, CSCAP
嚴重核子事故研究計畫 Cooperative Severe Accident Research Program, CSARP
設計資料問卷 Design Information Questionnaire,DIQ
能源法案 Energy Bill
能源安全 energy security
歐洲核安管制者組織 European Nuclear Safety Regulators Group(ENSREG)
歐洲核能學會 European Nuclear Society, ENS
設施附屬文件 Facility Attachment
放射性物料管理局 Fuel Cycle and Materials Administration (FCMA)
安全度評估研究領域計畫 International Cooperative PRA Research Program, COOPRA
核設施除役科技資訊交流合作計畫 International Cooperative Program on Decommissioning, CPD (led by OECD/NEA)
核能研究所 Institute of Nuclear Energy Research (INER)
發電裝置容量 installed power capacity
國際原子能總署 International Atomic Energy Agency, IAEA
國際經貿策略聯盟布局工作小組技術性貿易障礙 International Economic and Trade Strategic Alliance Arrangement Task Force Barriers to Trade
國際核能學會 International Nuclear Energy Academy, INEA
國際核能學會聯席會 International Nuclear Societies Council, INSC
檢查員 Inspector
社團法人日本原子力產業協會 Japan Atomic Industrial Forum, Inc., JAIF
京都議定書 Kyoto Protocol
低碳能源 low-carbon energy source
國家報告 National Report
核能團體聯席會議,核能聯會 Nuclear Energy Society, Taipei, NEST
財團法人核能科技協進會 Nuclear Science & Technology Association, NuSTA
核子保防 Nuclear Safeguards
核子損害賠償法 Nuclear Damage Compensation Act
核子反應器設施管制法 Nuclear Reactor Facilities Regulation Act
原子力規制委員會 Nuclear Regulatory Authority(NRA)
核能發電比例 nuclear share of power generation
核設施 nuclear facility
經濟合作暨發展組織核能署 Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development Nuclear Energy Agency, OECD/NEA
管考制度 oversight and evaluation system
太平洋盆地核能研討會 Pacific Basin Nuclear Conference, PBNC
太平洋核能理事會 Pacific Nuclear Council, PNC
平行審查 peer review
績效評估 performance assessment
績效評估委員會 Performance Assessment Committee
階段目標 phased target
視察人日 Person-Days of Inspection
民眾參與 public participation
管制架構 regulatory framework
輻射偵測中心 Radiation Monitoring Center (RMC)
輻射監測 radiation monitoring
科技計畫 science and technology plan
自我管理 self-management
中日工程技術研討會 Sino-Japanese Modern Engineering and Technology Symposium
輔助辦法 Subsidiary Arrangement
保防視察費 Safeguards Expenses
永續發展 sustainable development
選址公投 siting referendum
台美雙邊核能安全資訊交流會議 Taiwan-USA Bilateral Nuclear Safety Information Exchange
三邊保防協定 Trilateral Agreement
國際放射防護委員會(ICRP) the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP)
美國核能管制委員會 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
聯合國防止核武器蕃衍條約 United Nations Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, NPT
無預警視察 unannounced inspection,UI
熱流程式應用及維護研究計畫 USNRC Program of Thermal-Hydraulic Code Applications and Maintenance Research, CAMP
全球核能婦女會獎 WIN Award
全球核能婦女會 Women in Nuclear Global, WIN Global
世界能源委員會 World Energy Council, WEC
世界核能協會 World Nuclear Association, WNA



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